Raising UWCGB's first Full Open Scholarship to UWC
With 40 students from across the country now accepted at UWC Schools and Colleges starting in the 2021-22 academic year, our thoughts inevitably turn to ensuring they can attend independent of need.
This year, we believe a target of £20,000 for each of the next two years (2021 and 2022) will enable us to offer our first Full Open Scholarship funded by members and friends of UWCGB to attend a United World College. In the current phase of financial uncertainty with the global pandemic, we would appreciate, more than ever, any contribution you can make towards our campaign. Do please use this link to the UWC Great Britain justgiving page if you are able to contribute, however small. Thank you! https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/UWCGBFullScholarship2021
Congratulations to ALL the young people who have been offered a place to study at UWC and a big thank you to all who participated, with such passion and enthusiasm, in the selection process but have not been offered a place this time.
We look forward to connecting with all of you over the coming weeks.
Congratulations and thank you to you ALL, from the UWCGB Team.