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UWC Application process

Below are the main steps in the applications and assessment process:

Step 1:
Create your Application Account 

Setup your candidate profile and access our applications system which will guide you through the whole application process step-by-step. Make sure when you create your account to read the information carefully as it will be very helpful and important! 

The system will only let you access the application form for the programmes you are eligible for. If you meet UWC GB's eligibility criteria, but can't see the "UWC Great Britain 2025-2027" application from, contact us as soon as possible. 

The best way to contact us is by sending an email to

Step 2:
Written Application

Complete the full online application form on your own and submit it before the 11:59pm GMT on 3rd November 2024. There's short and long questions to answer, and it'll challenge the way you think about yourself and the world. Applications will be assessed and candidates will be invited to the final assessment stage based on these responses.*

Each application will be carefully read by at least two different trained reviewers - volunteers familiar with the UWC movement and who are looking for candidates with the potential to thrive in the unique environment of a United World College.

In this step you will also be asked to:

  • Attend a Community Conversation - Community Conversation is a rather informal 20 minute conversation with 2 members of the wider UWC community. These can be recent UWC graduates, parents or members of the UWC National Committee. 

    The purpose of this conversation is for you to learn more about UWC, but also for us to get to start to get to know you a little bit. 

    You will not be scored or assessed in any way based on this conversation, so please try to relax. 

           Parents should not attend the Community Conversation. 

  • Choose your Referees - two references are required, an academic reference and an activity reference. The academic reference should be completed by one of your current teachers, and the activity reference should be completed by someone who has worked with you in a non-academic setting (such as a scouting/guiding leader, a supervisor in extra-curricular activities, or someone you have volunteered for). Both should be able to speak of your abilities and interests. 

    references are an important part of the application process. To help your referees please direct them to our page dedicated to teachers and educators If you are having trouble selecting referees, or you cannot provide both, please email for advice.

           All references have to be submitted in English.

  • Talk to your parents - We can only accept applications which are supported by your parents or guardians. Tell them about the UWC movement and show them this website, so that they can support you throughout the process. 
  • Pay the UWC GB Application Fee - The fee for applying to United World Colleges through the UWC National Committee of Great Britain for 2025 entry is £150. Candidates who choose to apply in our late application cycle will be asked to cover an Application Fee of £180. The National Committee is a charity, and your application fee will go towards processing your application, and towards running the assessment. This means the fee is non-refundable even if your application is not successful. 

*Please note that due to the number of high quality of applications we receive, many strong applications may not be invited to the final assessment stage of the selection process. 

Step 3:
Final Assessment 

If your written application is successful you will be invited to a Final Assessment. 

After successfully going fully online during the pandemic, we decided to keep the entire UWC application process online. 

The Final Assessment will take place in mid-December 2024 and January 2025. 
Candidates must be able to attend the Final Assessment to continue with their application.

We know that this may be many candidiates' first experience of being interviewed or doing assessed group activities and that it can be a nerve-wracking prospect! However, the assessment itself is actually a lot of fun, and a great opportunity to have a "mini-UWC" experience. You will get to meet young people from all over the country, and you will spend time discussing current affairs and exploring a range of interesting topics with United World College alumni and parents. 

Final Assessment is composed of two types of assessments: Panel Assessment and Group Assessment. These will be scheduled on two different days and you must attend both assessment sessions. 

Group Assessment

On the day, you will be guided through a series of discussions, games and activities in order for us to get to know you better. You will have debates, problem solve, and explore some current issues, and you will have plenty of opportunities to chat with United World College graduates about your interests and background. These activities should also stimulate a lot of lively discussion between you and your fellow candidates. 

Panel Assessment

Each candidate will have an informal, personal interview with two members of our Selections Team. We will ask you questions about your application, your interests and what you hope to gain from a UWC experience. It can be a challenging experience, however the assessors are all very friendly and just want you to relax and enjoy yourself and be the best version of you.

As part of the interview, you will be asked lead a brief presentation on a topic you will be given in advance to prepare for.


Alongside this step, you (and your parents/guardians) will also be asked to:

  • Attend a College Information Session - a short session for candidates and their parents to learn more about the 18 different UWC schools around the world and also review the final stages of the applications process including the College Choices Form
  • Complete a College Choices form - after completing your final assessment you will be asked to fill out a form indicating which UWC schools you would like to be considered for. You will not be offered a place at any college you have not indicated you are willing to attend.
  • Submit means-testing paperwork to the UWC GB Finance Team - UWC GB will means-test all candidates' families (unless otherwise requested) in order to prepare our potential scholarship fund distributions. Means-testing is completed separately and independently of the assessment process. 
  • Parents/Guardians Only will need to attend a Parents & Guardians Information Session - you will be introduced to members of the National Committee from the Selections, Finance and Health & Wellbeing Teams to provide you with information on the final stages of the process and answer any questions you may have.

Step 4:
College Allocations, Scholarship Distribution & Offer Emails 

After Final Assessment, the Selections Team will allocate all successful candidates to colleges. This will be decided based upon the candidates' preferences, maturity, interests, and various other factors.

The college allocation process is still a source of worry for a lot of parents and candidates, but it shouldn't be. The choice of your parents and your own needs are central to our decision. In addition, and you will have plenty of time to speak with NC volunteers, students and parents about the different colleges. 

After the college allocation process is complete, the UWC GB Finance Team will review the financial aid application and means-testing documents for each candidate and distribute bursary funds according to demonstrated need. Bursary Funds may range from zero (where you may be asked to pay full fees) to 100% (where the entire cost of the college fees are covered by bursary).* Please see here for more information about funding. 

Candidates will receive emails letting them know if they were successful. For successful candidates, the offer email will include: the college you have been allocated; and the contribution towards the college fees we require according to your means-testing.

For unsuccessful candidates, the email may ask if you would like to remain on a waiting list in the case of withdrawals or additional college places available, or it might suggest alternative options such as a UWC short course or opportunities to re-apply a following year. 

* Please note there may be additional expenses outside the college fees covered by scholarship (e.g. flights, pocket money, learning materials etc)

If you are chosen to attend a UWC school or college, you will need to agree to follow the UWC Code of Conduct, as well as any Code of Conduct, put in place by the school or college you attend.

More Information

Further information on the selection process is detailed in our FAQs and in the Key Dates section. UWC Great Britain follows the general UWC selection criteria, selection policy, and look to select students in line with the UWC values and principles. 

If you have any questions that are not answered in the FAQs then please do not hesitate to get in contact with the National Committee by emailing